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I might be missing something but I have a macbook and to play on mac it says extract the zip file but when I downloaded it gave me a .rar not .zip. (I don't know what i'm doing, i'm new to this)

Thank you for catching up that discrepancy in the installation guide, I already corrected it.

.rar is just one of the many formats (like .zip) used for compressing files. Unfortunately, I don’t have a macbook to provide a step-by-step guide, but I recommend looking up tools that are available and compatible with your system for extracting .rar files (you can try “winzip” or “unarchiver”, for example). If you’re not sure how to use them (or want to try something else), you can try searching for “how to extract .rar files macbook [program you want to use]”, or any other similar search.

I hope this works for you.

Yes, thank you. I was able to get it working.

Glad that you got it working!


I fucking love rpgmaker horror games, therefore i also fucking love this game.


can't play in fullscreen

Nothing happens if you press "alt" + "enter"?


You can only play fullscreen if you launch the game via the StartFullscreen.exe or via player.exe (the latter won’t show you the cutscenes though). Just to be sure, you did unpack the game, right?

ofc i did

There’s no happy ending 😭 

I should to play the remake? 🤔 

(Bad English, I know 😔)

(3 edits)

at first i was scared of playing it, since it was called a "horror game" (which im not a big fan of) and i thought it'll contain jumpscares, but fortunately the game was called like that just because of the dark theme/story.  completed 2nd, 3rd and 4th ending by myself, but needed the check puzzle solutions and ending file to complete the 1st one. It all took me 1 - 1,5 hour. All of the endings were amazing - *SPOILER* - even tho i was surprised at first because there was no "happy ending" (but that made the game even better). The characters were amazing as well, each of them had a well written personality. Fully recommeding, even for the people who don't like horror games (since it wasn' that scary in my opinion).

Also, there was a bug where the game was just showing black screen when there was suppossed to be a cutscene. it happened to me like 5 times while i was playing. when it was happening, i had to quit the game and start again from the save point.

you thought make a patch for spanish? sorry for my english

(1 edit)

Hola. La respuesta rápida es: no hay planes para traducir este juego al Español, al menos de nuestra parte. La respuesta larga a continuación.

Si bien una persona del equipo (quien escribe) es nativa, generalmente no traduzco al español porque no tengo tanta experiencia, como es el caso de traducir al Inglés. Además, no me gusta el hecho de que no haya una forma standard de traducción que se acomode a todo el mundo hispano-hablante. Por ejemplo, al momento de tener que usar modismos de Latino America, esto molesta al lector de España (y viceversa);  o incluso algo tan simple como usar frases de algún país en específico, como México o Argentina, hace "ruido". De hecho, a mi incluso me hace ruido ver traducciones que usan los modismos de mi país, razón por la cual se me dificulta traducir al Español sin sentir que hay problemas con lo que escribo.

Si usted tiene interés, o conoce a alguien que desee traducir este juego, o tiene interés en proponer este juego a un equipo que hace localizaciones al Español, siéntase libre  de usar esta traducción como base. Lo que sí le pido por favor,  es que primero se le comunique la idea al autor, para pedir permiso antes de iniciar el trabajo. Si el autor tiene interés en que haya una traducción les otorgará su permiso, e incluso puede que les agradezca. En nuestro caso el autor hizo un dibujo para cada uno de los miembros del equipo de traducción, con algo característico de cada uno de sus países (mi caso siendo

Con suerte esto responde su pregunta. Lamento mucho no poder ofrecerle una alternativa en Español para disfrutar de este juego.

Random Scuffed Games #99

Vorgeschlagen von: Beatdown_TV

Wirklich nicht schlecht gemacht für ein RPG Maker Type game. Viele nette Effekte, schöner Artstyle & Transitions. Auch dass sich die Story gerade richtig in einem angenehmen Tempo entfaltet möchte ich dem Spiel zugute heißen. Ich bin kein Fan von RPG-Maker type games, aber hier sehe ich ein Starkes Werk seiner Klasse


Dito: 4.5/5

Chat: 3.43 /5

Gesamt: 3.97/5

amazing artstyle and story, love the different personality each character shows

the story is amazing

good game 

i had a lot of fun

I love it  this is so cool¡¡¡¡¡

directdraw error, what can i do to fix?

Try changing RPG_RT compatibility to windows7.

(1 edit) (-1)

Patchy or some reason the game wont start in fullscreen even though I have downloaded the full screen file too?

any idea on what to do?

Also the screen keeps going black again and again.

Did you unpack the game from the archive?

I did. But oh well it was still a fun game to play


Patchy,im a firefox user and my file wont open,im using a computer,what can i do?

Do you have winrar program installed? If no, download it, then unpack the archive.

(2 edits)

Hey Patchy Illusion Team i have a  question for you about your Devil of The Mirror Game does your Game have Mario and The Music Box Vibe i Just Wanna give that question out to you Mario) The Music Box (Game) | Team Ari Mario The Music Box Wikia | Fandom

This Game Patchy Illusion Team

Hands down best rpg maker I've ever played.

Is this the same guy that made Pocket Mirror?


sure as hell feels like it, doesn't it?

Sim, eu amei o jogo <3

Yeah, I loved the game <3


OKAY NOW THAT I FINISHED THE GAME AND GOT ALL ENDINGS, I loved it. The visuals, the music, the story, everything is 10/10!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if this is a problem from my PC or this game, but my progress files keeps on disappearing right after the moment where the player is Shuni's perspective :(

But, the story is nice, interesting and I love the easter eggs. 

1. Did you put the game's folder in the C disk, or somewhere near the system folders probably (the ones that do require administrator permission)? Try to move it to disk D, or (in case you have only one disk) to one of the user folders (Downloads, Documents etc.)

2. Did you unpack the game from the archive before playing?

Ohhh, I didn't, now I understand what was wrong! Thanks for replying, I'll reinstall it and continue playing it! :

(1 edit)

I'm trying to follow the instructions to open this game on my PC, but I constantly get the error message that the RPG_RT.exe file is not in the Data folder, even though I've already downloaded the rpg_rt 2003 file.

You aren't launching the game from the archive, right? Did you unpack it?

I was able to unpack the game after I switched from using 7Zip to WinZip, and I was able to play the game afterwards.


Hi, can you help me please?

while playing I was told to press 'enter/z' but I can't find the button... please anyone know?

btw I'm an Android user

Yo. It's the A button, if you mean Easy RPG Player (aka the action button).

Oh,thank you much

hermoso juego lo ame 

I downloaded the game but it won't go into full-screen mode for some reason when I press F4 it stretches a bit but everything (visuals and text) of the game are blurred and the quality is destroyed. Can somebody help me?

Well, yeah, it should look a bit blurred while in Fullscreen mode, that's how rpgmaker 2000 works, unfortunately. 

Now, if it's really blurred, that's a problem. Can you make a screenshot of how it looks?

Also, you can try to play with the .exe properties, too (especially the ones below that are about scaling, resolution and stuff).

I'll try to post a screenshot but yea it's not blurred to the point of not understanding but to be honest even in small screen its a super nice game and imma play it no matter what lmao. But yes I will take a screenshot and post it here. Thank you so much for replying and explaining this to me. <3

You can try playing it on emulator if it bothers you too much. The movies won't be played, but the graphics would look a bit nicer.


Ok thank you so much <3

I Thought it would be an android too?


It is. 

I added instructions for playing on android in the installation section, in case somebody has troubles with that.


The story kind of makes me think of mogeko castle and ib in a sense.  But nonetheless it's a beautiful game with the right amount of creepyness (some of them made me spook) and a touch of heart











Their roles fits with another from other games.

Cher = defective mogeko from mogeko castle, they act as a guide and protector to the protagonist.

Shuni = Garry from Ib, the sensible yet a bit cautious, also acts as the muscle (pushing/ carry heavy objects), one ending had him sacrifice for Ib to escape. 

Rose= Ib and Yonaka, curious by nature, have their own wishes to fulfil while one has theirs the other had a twist.

(1 edit)

Holy the visual is so good

(1 edit) (+1)

This was such an amazing game, visual & story wise. Finished it yesterday, played it again today. The puzzles weren't too hard, the overall atmosphere was beautiful, the ambient music gave me the chills. I could feel some inspiration from IB & Pocket Mirror, which only got me more excited. I admit that I *was* expecting the twists, but it was satisfying seeing everything unfold. I got all 4 endings but I still don't feel like there's a "Happy" ending..

















In the ending "A promise that cannot be fulfilled" Cher and Shuni were left back into the mirror world, only for Shuni to follow Rose and then "die" in front of her.

In the ending "In the mirror, forever" Rose was trapped by the demon.

In the ending "Extinguished Candle" Rose strayed from her path and got either killed or trapped by the demon.

In the ending "The girl who became the devil" Rose lost her sanity and became the demon herself.

I may be misunderstanding a few things, but I assumed that they died because of the red splatter on the screen. While I know they almost never make sequels, I'd love to see one! I don't hate the endings, the fact that there's no "Happily ever after" only makes this game better. Usually all games have a "Happy" ending, but this one is different. I absolutely loved it! 100% recommended, thank you for translating this masterpiece!


We're glad you liked it! And yeah, you've got everything almost right regarding the endings (there're a bit more details to them actually, but we won't tell them just yet since a remake is already out, and it seems like things were explained a bit better in it + the remake has some new endings as well, that expand the lore a little).

p.s: if you still can edit your message, can you pls put the spoilers several lines down, so the other users won't see the first sentences?

(2 edits) (+1)

I think (spolilers)

"The girl who became the devil" may be considered as "true" ending. Cause it reveals that dark side of Rose that  we didn't see in other 3 endings and gives better understanding of what really happened.


Of course, I agree with your statement. I also feel like ***SPOILERS***








Rose has a dark side, considering all the things she did before she went to the mirror world. Despite of her circumstances, her actions weren't what you'd call "normal", she definitely had a thing for macabre things, which only escalated when the demon entered. But that only gives me more questions... What if there never was a "Demon"? What if the "Demon" was her all along? Rose could just be a very mentally ill person, hallucinating and the "Demon" could be her mental illness. I don't know honestly... All theories aside, I'm glad you replied :> I really wanted to share my thoughts about this game with other people, thanks for giving me that chance!

(1 edit) (+1)

Always welcome! None of my friends are into this kind of games, so i'm very glad to share my thoughts too.
spoilers again))

What if there never was a "Demon"? - that's exactly what i figured after achieving that ending! It turns out that Rose died in front of magical mirror, and her reflection was traveling in the Mirror World, so returning to normal world was never an option... at least, as a human being...
And Cher really misunderstood her "kindness". For Rose that was not "pity for a dying animal", but "opportunity to make beautiful funeral"...
Do you know about first game made by Tokiiro Kaeru - "Burial"? It's a very gloom and complicating story as well.



Wow I never realised Rose died so early in the game... Thank you very much for sharing! I had no idea, still that only makes the story better. I recently played Burial! I only got two endings, 2 & 4 so I'm gonna play it again to get the other two and figure out the entire story.

(2 edits) (+1)

Tokiiro really loves the funeral theme. Their games have probably the darkest atmosphere ever.
I've played Pocket mirror couple days ago, got bad endings for all 4 girls(( The game itself is spectacular, but location of saveboxes is terribly inconvеnient. But i still will play again to get good ending.

OMG... Is this game made by the same maker of Ib?


Also I caught an error look like this after running from the spides (?) and the girl rest on the sofa...

(4 edits)

Really weird, it's first time I see an error like this Oo 

Did you unpack the game from the archive?

But could you manage to proceed further? Also, what os do you use (windows, linux, mac etc)?

Also, no, the game isn't by Ib creator.

Did any stat you know in-game was decreasing, cause that seems like some float var has been tried to Fvar/0

(2 edits) (+1)


Are you responsible for the translation of the game Devil of the Mirror If yes, can you give me advice on how to translate?  I'm currently trying to translate the game into my native language Vietnamese, but I haven't been able to resolve the game's font through your translation. 

I love this game very much and want to bring it to my country.  Looking forward to your reply and help soon !

Hi. Unfortunately, RPGMaker 2000 doesn't support vietnamese font by default, but there's a solution for that. Check out this article:

Basically, you have to create your own font for this (but first check out, that there's no vietnamese font patch for RM2000 already, so your efforts won't be in vain).

I never tried to change the RM2000 fonts so I have zero experience in that regards, but as far as I know, it's the only option.

Thank you, thanks to your idea I was able to do this 

You're welcome! Good luck with the translation.

(1 edit)

When it comes to preparing items to cast spells, can you tell me what the first item is? It has lost most of the characters...

I don't really want to spoiler, but I couldn't find a dm message option, so...

it's substitute


thanks for the translation! the ending is painful to every part of my being

writings are so blurry and full screen is not working

Can you show a screenshot of the writings? 

Also, what does it say when launching fullscreen mode?

press f4


Thank you again for translating this game. I enjoyed it very much.

Two very minor things:

When entering text, the keyboard with foreign letters appears first, though it can be resolved by selecting the ABC on the screen.

Choosing a certain option at the beginning of the game, the dialogue that follows, 'first' is misspelled as 'firs'


Thanks for the feedback, we'll fix it.

Regarding the keyboard, it's supposed to be like that. 

(2 edits) (-1)

can you explain, if the game came out in 2017, why is only published now? do you mean you only translated it and published it as the english version but the original Japanese game came in 5 years ago? 
I assume you got the developer permission before doing this? i'm not attacking you, i'm just interested about the learning process, these days you need permission for anything wte its a song used in your video, animation, pictures or etc...

(1 edit)

Because we found out about this game just now? Oo 

(1 edit) (-2)

But did you gain permission of the Developer to work on translation and repost his work. 

Well, since it's already mentioned above, I guess so Oo

good for you then, well done with the translation, keep up the good work. hope you planning to translate the second part as well.

Thank you!

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